Keywords: agrocenosis, soil aggregates, spatial heterogeneity, structural-aggregate composition, water resistance


The results of the study of the structural and aggregate composition of heterogeneous landforms of separate agrocenoses of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are highlighted. The strengthening of anthropogenic impact on soils leads to deformation, destruction of micro- and macro-aggregates and is reflected in the efficiency of agricultural activity, which actualizes the study of structural and aggregate composition of arable soils and assessment of heterogeneity of their main indicators. The heterogeneity of the content of structural fractions of aggregates, including water-resistant ones, is investigated by the sieve method in the modification of N.I. Savvinov (DSTU 4744: 2007) using methods of statistical and geostatistical data analysis. The influence of the components of the relief and genetic nature of soils on the heterogeneity of structural and aggregate composition and water resistance of soil aggregates is analyzed. It was found that the structural composition of the soils of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is dominated by agronomically valuable aggregates. The variability of the heights of the terrain, the slope exposure and the angles of their inclination was characterized by close links with the formation of the lumps fraction. Its increase was observed together with the increase in surface height. Orographic heterogeneity in space determines the differentiation of the stability of soil aggregates of experimental agrocenoses at different depths. It is found that the increase in slope steepness has a negative effect on the formation and distribution of structural elements: in the foothills and concave parts of the slope, it is increased the content of water-resistant units due to the accumulation of previously eroded soil material. Well-structured soils are concentrated on relatively leveled parts of the studied objects. Type composition of soils is variable over a relatively short distance due to the different intensity of accumulation processes, which determines the territorial mosaic of structural and aggregate composition and content of water-resistant aggregates. It is established that dark gray podzolized soils are determined by excessive water resistance of soils and, in some cases, the predominance of silty fraction, in contrast to chernozems podzolized with favorable conditions and better structural and aggregate composition.


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How to Cite
Plisko, I., & Kutsova, K. (2022). SPATIAL HETEROGENEITY OF STRUCTURAL AND AGGREGATE COMPOSITION OF SOILS WITHIN SEPARATE AGROCENOSES OF THE LEFTBANK FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 131-138.