In the article population investigations are presented, conducted for the first time in Goettingen forest (Göttinger Wald), Low Saxony, Germany during 2021–2022. Five plant populations of Asarum europaeum L., were investigated at 5 plots with different age tree species located in managed forest and in virgin forest: plots №1 and №2 – young beech managed forest, tree species are under the age 40 and 70 respectively; plots №3, №4 – virgin beech forest, №5 – managed old beech forest. We conducted the evaluation of ontogenetic and vitality structures of aforementioned coenopopulations. During the research we used such methods as method of geobotanical description, morphometry method, complex vitality analysis, complex of statistical data analysis. According to the morphometry results, the typical size characteristics of A. europaeum plants in each growing area were determined. It is shown that the main feature of the ontogenetic spectra of A. europaeum in areas differing in the frequency of anthropogenic influence is incompleteness. Summarizing ontogenetic indices shows that in all plots, except for plot №3, the values of the generativity indices exceed the renewability indices. The morphometry results established the highest indices of reproducibility on site No. 3. The share of virgin plants is the largest in the old forest plot №3 – 31.82%, young generative plants – in the old forest plot No. 4 and is 40%. To assess vitality working with factor analysis, we determined critical morphoparameters for each population separately. A high level of generativity is observed in coenopopulations in areas where forestry activity is present. 67% of the populations of representatives of A. europeaum belong to the intermediate class of vitality b. The population in the primeval forest has a high level of regeneration, and the relative shares of plants according to the vitality class were divided equally between the three classes and are 0.3333. In plot №1, the largest share of plants belongs to the c-class of vitality and is 0.5, while in plots №4 and №5 the intermediate class of vitality dominates with indicators of 0.6364 and 0.4545, respectively. Based on the research on the example of A. europaeum, it can be concluded that forestry operations significantly disturb the grass layer of forest ecosystems and reduce the quality of populations. According to the study results, the need for further study of populations was noted to obtain a full assessment of the consequences of forestry use in the Göttingen Forest.
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