In order to ensure the optimal nutritional regime of winter wheat plants, it is necessary to coordinate the fertilization system with the biological features of the crop. This action contributes to the active formation of the leaf surface of plants, which further causes the high harvest formation with good indicators of the grain quality. The aim of the research was to determine the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers as post-sowing and foliar application, on the photosynthetic activity indicators of winter wheat plants. The research has been carried out using post-sowing application of potassium fertilizers and foliar fertilization with carbamide (N), magnesium sulfate (Mg) and potassium monophosphate (Pk) for Shestopalivka winter wheat variety in the conditions of the Scientific and Educational Centre of Dmytro Motornyi Tavra State Agro-Technological University. The leaf surface area of winter wheat plants of Shestopalivka variety ranged from 15.85 to 48.46 thousand m2/ha depending on the development stage and mineral nutrition system. The highest values of this index at the level of 39.29– 48.46 thousand m2/ha were noted at the stem elongation stage. The greatest increase in leaf surface area on average during the growing season was noted when using a full complex of fertilizers for foliar application (N+Mg+Pk) against the background of post-sowing application of K12, which was 14% compared to the control. The highest values of the net photosynthetic productivity at the level of 9.83-10.53 g/m2 per day for Shestopalivka variety was observed in the interphase period of tillering – stem elongation. It was determined that the post-sowing K12 application contributed to the NPP increase only in the interphase period of stem elongation – heading by 1.76 times compared to the variants without its application. In general, higher values of the NPP were recorded for the use of post-sowing application of potassium fertilizer in combination with foliar application of N+Mg+Pk – 15% higher, on average, compared to N+Mg+Pk on the background of K0. Thus, the introduction of the studied mineral fertilizers contributed to the active growth of winter wheat plants and the development of their leaf surface, which ensured the stable operation of the photosynthetic apparatus and further enhanced the high crop productivity formation.
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