In the article the peculiarities of formation of yield of giant miscanthus depending on quantitative indicators of plant phytocenosis on the basis of ecologization of technology of cultivation of culture are determined. The research was conducted in the central part of the Forest-Steppe using the methodological recommendations of Ukrainian and foreign authors. The experiment combined the study of the following factors: factor A - year (2016–2021), factor B - methods of growing giant miscanthus: variant 1 - single-species plantations of miscanthus (control), variant 2 - growing miscanthus together with perennial lupine (Lupinus perennis L. ), variant 3 - cultivation of miscanthus together with sickle alfalfa (Medicago falcata L.), variant 4 - cultivation of miscanthus together with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Quantitative indicators of plants were determined according to the approved methodology, and biomass yield - by weight method. Relationships between indicators were established on the basis of correlation and regression analysis. According to the results of the research, it was found that the quantitative indicators of giant miscanthus plants, depending on the methods of growing the crop, had a significant variation. It was found that the yield of dry biomass of giant miscanthus depends on the method of cultivation of the crop and has a clear trend to an annual increase: from 6.7 t/ha - in the first year, to 18.6 t/ha - in the fourth year. The highest yield of dry biomass during the years of research (13.7 t/ha) was obtained on the variants of joint cultivation with lupine, significantly less - when growing the crop with alfalfa and clover. The increase in the yield of giant miscanthus on the variants of joint cultivation with lupine averaged 1.2 t/ha. Biomass yield with clover and alfalfa, compared to the control, was 0.5 and 0.4 t/ha, respectively. Studies have shown a significant impact of quantitative indicators: by the correlation coefficient (r ˃ 0.7) and regression equations on the yield of miscanthus biomass. Correlation dependencies indicate that different methods of growing Miscanthus giganteus have an impact on the formation of biometric parameters and their relationship with biomass yield. It is established that in single-species plantations the highest biomass yield of Miscanthus giganteus is formed due to the height and density of the stem (r ˃ 0.7), less influence have the length of the leaf and their number (r ˃ 0.31–0.69).
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