The article presents the results of research into the systematic, geographic, biomorphological, ecological, and ecologicalcenotic structure of the flora of the regional landscape park «Seymskiy». The studied meadow flora consists of 436 species of higher vascular plants belonging to 235 genera and 35 families. The first place in the range of meadow flora families belongs to the Asteraceae (15.0%). The Poaceae (12.0%) and Fabaceae (10,7%) are in the second and third places, respectively. As a result of studies of the geographical structure of the meadow flora, it was established that a significant proportion of species are distributed within the Temperate-Submeridional – 103 species (23.6%), which is a reflection of the characteristic zonal features of the studied region. The first place is occupied by species from the European-Asian group (33.0%). In the course of research into the biomorphological structure of the meadow flora of the RLP «Seymskiy», it was established that herbaceous perennials, represented by 302 species, make up 69% of the total number of species. These representatives are the main ones in the formation of grass stands, they make up the floristic core of the meadow flora of the park. According to the classification by type of vegetation, among the meadow flora of the RLP «Seymskiy», the vast majority of summer-green species (332). These are herbaceous species that form meadow pastures and hayfields. The analysis of the meadow flora of the RLP «Seymskiy» using Raunkier's classification showed that hemicryptophytes are the most represented – 74.2%. In general, the dominance of hemicryptophytes in the meadow flora is characteristic not only for the flora of the RLP «Seymskiy», but also for a number of other regions. The results of the meadow flora analysis based on the relationship of plants to light, moisture, and soil showed a significant predominance of heliophytes of 319 species (73.2%), relative to hygromorphs, while the ecological group of mesophytes prevails in the study area – 160 species (36.7%), relative to hygromorphs. tropomorph – the dominant group of mesotrophs – 245 species (56.2%). Meadow species of flora of the RLP «Seymskiy» turned out to be quite diverse in terms of the representation of plants of different life strategies according to J. Grim. Most of the species belong to ruderal (R) (11.0%), competitive-stress-tolerant (CS) (10.5%) and competitive-ruderal (СR) (10.3%) plant species. Depending on the ecological and coenotic affiliation of the studied species to the main types of vegetation, we distinguished five florocenotypes. The largest number of species belongs to the florocenotype of meadow flora – 195 species (44.7). The florocenotype of synanthropic vegetation includes 44 species, which is 10.0% of the total number of species, but this allows us to speak of an increase in anthropogenic factors in the research region. According to the results of a comparison of the species richness of the regional landscape park «Seymskyi» with the floristic indicators of some other regional parks of Ukraine, it is indicated that the quantitative indicators of the studied park are not inferior, and in some cases even exceed the similar values of other RLPs. The closest to the data obtained by us are the characteristics of the meadow flora of the RLP «Hadyatskyi», the RLP «Dykansky» and the RLP «Kremenchutskii Plavni».
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