Keywords: soil metagenome, Vitasergia svidasoma VS 1223 (IMB F-100106), bioregulation, endophyte, symbiosis.


The articles provides the results of the research of soil metagenome of nuciferous crops nursery, where the plant treatment was carried out with yeast fungus of family Debariomycetaceae – Vitasergia svidasoma VS 1223 (IMB F-100106), which is an active agent of Mycovital preparation. By applying amplicon sequencing of 16S рРНК and ITS2, the composition and structure of bacterial and mycelial community in the analyzed untreated soil samples were studied. Operational taxonomic units (OTU) were obtained by clustering with identity of 97% on the effective sample tags which were detected. To demonstrate the microorganism composition and information about their number and species diversity in the samples, an interactive webpage Heatmap was created with a presentation of taxonomic annotations which correspond to OTU. The results prove that the main functional genes of the bacteria in the plant nursery soils belong to three main divisions of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes. Proteobacteria division was widely presented with Echerichia genus in the soil untreated with Mycovital in the number of above 97%. After the treatment with species of Vitasergia svidasoma VS 1223 (IMB F-100106) their number reduced to 7%. In the walnut rhizosphere microbiome, 20 types of bacteria, including 83 genera, and 6 types of fungi, including 100 genera of fungi, as well as unclassified sequences were identified, the relative share of which in the microbiome was 3.04–7.86%. The analysis of taxonomic structure of the microbiome on the phyla level showed that bacteria were an absolute dominant, i.e. 38.7–100%. Among fungal divisions, Ascomycota (41.01–93.17%) is an absolute dominant in both ecotopes. Moreover, there were representatives from Basidiomycota (2.82–6.40%) та Monerelomycota (0.82–0.41%) divisions. In Ascomycota division, comprising the greatest number of mycorrhizal fungi, their number increases after treatment with Mycovital, while the number of micromycetes-pathogens, toxin-producers and rot pathogens decreased. It was established that the rhizospheric soil microbiome became more diverse under conditions of inoculation of plants with species Vitasergia svidasoma VS 1223 (IMB F-100106).


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How to Cite
OliferchukV. Р., Fedorovich, D. V., Samborskyi, M. V., & Samarska, M. I. (2023). THE EFFECT ON SOIL METAGENOM CAUSED BY THE NEW FOR THE SCIENCE ENDOPHYTE SPECIES VITASERGIA SVIDASOMA VS 1223 (IMB F-100106) EXTRACTED FROM BLACK TRUFFLE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 51(1), 79-89.