Keywords: Ukrainian Black-and-White, Holstein, traits of longevity, correlation, sires


Research on the evaluation of sires by traits of the duration of use and lifetime productivity of their daughters was carried out in the herd for breeding of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy cows in the private enterprise "Burynske" of the Podlisniv branch of Stepaniv community in Sumy region. The study of the traits of milk productivity and longevity of the daughter offspring of sires of Holstein and Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breeds testified about significant variability in the assessed traits under the influence of their heredity. According to studies of lifetime productivity indicators of the daughters of the assessed sires, the variability of lifelong milk yield and milk fat turned out to be quite significant and amounted to 14934-33031 and 570.5-1245.3 kg, respectively, with differences between the limits of 18097 and 674.8 kg (Р<0.001), which is convincing testified to the influence of the heredity of sires on these traits. Negative correlation coefficients obtained together for the herd between milk yield for the first lactation and indicators of the duration of productive use (r=-0.244) and the number of lactations during life (r=0.253) (P<0.001). Positive correlation coefficients were established between the amount of milk yield for the first lactation and the lifetime productivity indicators of the offspring of the evaluated sires. In the direction and strength of the correlation between milk yield for the first lactation and lifelong milk yield, milk fat yield, fat content, milk yield per day of life and productive use within the assessed sires there was significant variability, respectively -0.148- 0.529; -0.175-0.597; -0.114-0.266; 0.158-0.629 and 0.163-0.657. The highest correlation coefficients between the milk yield of the first lactation and lifetime indicators of milk productivity were obtained mainly from the offspring of sires with high milk yield rates of firstborns.


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How to Cite
Pavlenko, Y. M., & Kompanets, I. O. (2024). DEPENDENCE OF THE TRAITS OF PRODUCTIVE LONGEVITY OF DAIRY CATTLE ON THE HEREDITARY INFLUENCE OF SIRES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 69-77.