Keywords: protective dog, working qualities, breed, correlation,


The research analyzed archival materials of reports on competitions of applied types of dog training under the national program "Vidsich" of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Kennel Union of Ukraine" for 2009–2013. The evaluation of the working qualities under the program "Protective Dog" was carried out on a 100-point scale, according to the demonstration of 5 skills by the animal: neutralization of an enemy who shoots at the guide, repulsion of an attack by a group of enemies, protection of the guide, independent protection and defense, and the behavior of the dog during the test. Studies have shown that the best results in competitions are demonstrated by dogs of the Renschnauzer breed (83.50±5.89 points), with an average coefficient of variation indicating a slight difference in performance among dogs of this group. In addition, excellent working qualities in the performance of skills were demonstrated by American Pit Bull Terriers and South African Mastiffs, which statistically significantly received high scores on the average test score (M=79.75–79.76 points; P≥0.999). Taking into account the reliability criterion, it was proved that there is a positive relationship between the scores of the first four skills of protection and security of the guide and the total score for the implementation of the "Protective Dog" program (r=0.59–0.66; P≥0.999). Therefore, taking into account the results of the correlation between the assessment of dog skills and the overall score at the competition, we can reasonably confirm the need to change the assessment system. The need to give greater priority to the assessment of the skill of "Independet protection and defense" and, accordingly, to reduce the number of points for fulfilling the conditions of the skill "Dog behavior during tests" has been established. The final analysis proved the influence of the skill of self-defense and protection on other skills. Based on these data, a scientific justification was provided for the correctness of changing the scoring system for this test.


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How to Cite
Yehorchenkova, S. V., & Pavlenko, Y. M. (2023). HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE SYSTEM OF EVALUATION OF DOGS’ WORKING QUALITIES UNDER THE NATIONAL PROGRAM "VIDSICH" (PROTECTIVE DOG). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 17-24. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.lvst.2023.1.3