The aim of the article was to investigate the dependence of fattening qualities of Danish pigs on the type of feeding. In order to determine the impact of feed type on the results of fattening pigs, a research and production experiment was conducted on the basis of an industrial pig farm in the Central steppe of Ukraine, after which the data were summarized, analyzed and described in this manuscript. Fattening of young pigs was carried out in two technological groups including 195 heads in the premises of fattening farm of one enterprise, where the conditions of pigs keeping were identical, except the type of feed mixtures in the rations. The pigs of the control group were fattened with dry feed, and the pigs of the experimental group were fattened with liquid. The initial average live weight and age at fattening were the same in animals of both groups, however, at the end of the fattening period at age of 88 days, pigs consuming liquid feed significantly outperformed peers on dry feed by 6.9 kg or 6.1% (p <0.001). It was also found that the growth intensity was higher in animals of the experimental group on 87.1 g or 9.4% - by average daily gain, on 8.3 kg or 8.5% - by absolute gain,on 4.0% - by relative growth. Significantly faster on 5.6 days or 3.8% reached a weight of 100 kg of pigs for fatten-ing with liquid feed, relative to analogues for fattening dry. No significant effect of feed type on feed conversion rate in both groups was found. A study of the fattening qualities of pigs on a set of fattening qualities, calculated using the evaluation index showed that the animals for the use of liquid feed scored a higher score of 6.1 or 17.8% compared to analogues who were given dry feed. Thus, fattening young pigs of Danish origin using a liquid type of feeding is more efficient and gives higher results in a shorter time at the same feed costs compared to fattening with dry feed.
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