Keywords: milk, cheese, mass fraction of fat, mass fraction of protein, coagulation, clot.


Improving the quality of dairy raw materials for the production of dairy products, including cheeses, is an urgent issue. Looking at the fact that the number of dairy cattle is decreasing in Ukraine, the prices of energy resources are increasing, an important factor in increasing the profitability of dairy farming is the improvement of milk quality. First of all, this concerns increasing its protein content and improving its technological properties. In order to fulfill the set goal, research was carried out in the state breeding plant of the SE "Experimental farm of the Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine", Sumy district, on animals of the Ukrainian brown dairy breed and the Sumy inbred type of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed. The object of the study was milk samples from a group of cows of the above-mentioned breeds. Quality indicators of milk were studied according to generally accepted methods. Physicochemical indicators – fat, protein, SZMZ, density, were determined by the method of ultrasonic diagnostics on the milk quality analyzer "Ekomilk" type Milkana KAM 98-2A. The finished cheese was weighed and examined for compliance with DSTU 4669:2006. "Semi-hard cheeses. General technical conditions. Organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators were determined in the cheese produced from milk samples in accordance with DSTU 4669:2006. The moisture in the finished product was determined according to GOST 3626-73, the salt content – according to GOST 3627-81, the mass fraction of fat in cheese – according to GOST 5867-90, microbiological indicators – according to GOST 9225-84. According to the results of the conducted research, it was established that animals of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed were inferior to animals of the Ukrainian brown dairy breed in terms of the content of the main components of milk. Also, brown cattle have better technological indicators in the process of semi-hard cheese production. They are characterized by a shorter time required for coagulation by the lactic acid enzyme, the duration of curd processing, and the rate of milk consumption per 1 kg of produced cheese. A statistically significant effect of individual quality indicators of milk on the costs of cheese production was established. The content of protein and casein in milk was highly and negatively correlated with it. A similar trend is characteristic of the content of dry skimmed milk residue. The content of dry matter in milk did not have a statistically significant relationship with the indicator of consumption of raw materials in the production of cheese. Accordingly, selection measures to increase the protein content in milk can improve its raw suitability.


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How to Cite
Chernyavska, T. O., & Samokhina, Y. A. (2023). STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF MILK ON ITS CURE APPLICABILITY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 63-66.

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