The article compares the reproductive qualities of sows of Great White and Landrace mother breeds of English origin for their purebred breeding and direct and backcrossing in the conditions of an industrial complex for pork production. It was established that when pigs of two parent breeds were crossed with each other, the total number of piglets born increased by 4.7–8.9%, multiple fertility by 3.0–5.3%, large fertility by 1.5–2.3%, mass nests of piglets at birth by 4.9–5.4%, their number at weaning by 0.8–3.1%, the weight of one piglet at weaning by 2.7–5.1%, and the weight of a nest of piglets during this period by 1.6–8.4% and average daily increases by 1.0–5.5%. At the same time, a deterioration in the preservation of piglets before weaning by 0.6–3.7% and an increase in the share of stillborn piglets by 1.1–3.1% were found. For purebred breeding of animals of the original genotypes, the advantages of large white sows in terms of the total number of piglets at birth by 3.8%, multifertility by 2.1% over animals of the landrace breed and, accordingly, the deterioration of indicators of large fertility by 2.3%, the number of piglets at weaning by 1.5%, the weight of one piglet at weaning by 1.9%, and the weight of the litter at this time by 3.4% and average daily gains during the suckling period by 1.8%, while there is no practical difference in the weight of the litter of piglets at birth is established No significant difference was found between the indices of reproductive qualities of sows of the original maternal forms for their purebred and both versions of their crossing. It has been proven that when sows of the large white breed were combined with boars of the Landrace breed, the value of all forms of heterosis was higher in terms of the total number of piglets at birth, multiple fertility, litter weight of piglets at birth. At the same time, according to indicators of high fertility, the number of piglets, the mass of one piglet and the nest as a whole at weaning and the intensity of growth of piglets in the post–weaning period, the highest values f all forms of heterosis were noted in sows of the landrace breed in reverse mating with boars of the large white breed. According to the preservation of piglets, almost all forms of heterosis were absent, both in direct and backcrossing of maternal breeds of pigs. It was found that the form of positive overdominance inherited such indicators of reproductive capacity as fertility, number of piglets, weight of one head and weight of the nest of piglets at weaning, average daily growth of piglets in the post–weaning period for both variants of the combination of pigs of maternal breeds. Also, according to this type of phenotypic dominance, the total number of piglets at birth and their survival in the direct combination of pigs of two maternal breeds and high fertility in their reverse combination were inherited. According to the form of positive dominance, high fecundity was inherited for the direct version of the combination (♀LW×♂L) and the total number of piglets born for its reverse (♀L×♂LW) version. An intermediate form of inheritance for both direct and reverse variants of crossbreeding pigs of two maternal breeds had litter weight of piglets at birth and their preservation under the reverse variant of crossbreeding.
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