Keywords: balanced school nutrition, legume-based dishes, school nutrition reform, dietary culture


Studies of the organization of school meals in Ukraine revealed a number of significant problems that became the basis for the global reform of the school meal system in 2020. Today, the improvement of the school nutrition system in Ukraine is aimed at fostering culture and correct eating habits, strengthening health, harmonious physiological development of the child and is carried out in accordance with the National Strategy for the development of a safe and healthy educational environment in the New Ukrainian School. This becomes possible thanks to an integrated approach in this area, which takes into account medical, legal, social, financial and technological aspects. However, the gradual implementation of the reform showed that dissatisfaction with school meals of children and their parents still exists. This especially applies to the group of dishes from legumes, which, on the one hand, are an important component of the diet due to their high nutritional and biological value and must be included once a week in the school menu, and on the other hand, are the least popular among schoolchildren. According to our observations, the problem of refusal of schoolchildren to consume dishes made from legumes and the related loss of finished products up to 92% in the form of food waste is of a systemic nature. Indirectly, this is confirmed by the discovered facts of the exclusion of legume dishes from the menus of various schools. According to the conducted anonymous voluntary surveys of students of all age groups, we found a tendency to decrease the desire to consume legume dishes from the new four-week menu with a decrease in the age of the children, as well as the regularity of their sharply negative reaction to these dishes due to the pronounced specific smell and taste of the main raw materials. Based on this, we have proposed new approaches in the preparation of dishes from legumes. They included the creation of culinary products with raw materials, organoleptic indicators, appearance, presentation, and brand name that would not have associations with legumes. The result of research and practice were two improved dishes – "Magic Falafel" and "Banana Fireworks", which received the highest rating during the tasting by schoolchildren. The first was falafel made from boiled chickpeas with the use of a wide range of spices and herbs, and the second was fritters made from beans with the addition of banana and dried apricots. A project of technological cards and a HACCP plan for introducing new dishes into the school menu were developed for the new dishes. Calculations of the expected economic effect proved that the introduction of improved meals will allow more effective use of state funding due to a reduction of losses by 75% per year from one school (on the example of KU SSSH I-III degrees №29, Sumy). At the same time, reducing the number of uneaten meals in the form of food waste by 3,390 kg per year will contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment.


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How to Cite
Chebanenko, E. V., Bidiuk, D. O., & Marenkova, T. I. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF LEGUME DISHES FOR SCHOOL MEALS AND PROSPECTS FOR THEIR INTRODUCTION INTO SCHOOL MENUS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (55), 90-101.