Keywords: hole cleaning, sifting surface, working element, component, bulk material, classification, efficiency


The productivity and quality of sieve separation machines when separating bulk material components depends on the efficiency of the hole cleaning system. The blocking of the holes is due to the similarity of their dimensions to the dimensions of the bulk material components. At the same time, in the presence of blocked holes, the screening area of perforated surfaces decreases and the productivity of separating machines decreases. Modern production requirements and the emergence of new scientific and technical developments, such as sieves with holes of complex geometry, have created the need to improve the efficiency of cleaning systems. The development of new and improved cleaning systems is not possible without analyzing the existing state and identifying promising areas for improvement. For this purpose, a systematic analysis of structures and methods of increasing the efficiency of cleaning systems was carried out with the determination of the level of prospects. The conditions and criteria for the efficiency of cleaning systems and the parameters of their working elements are determined. Based on the analysis of the research, taking into account the current needs of manufacturers, the requirements for cleaning systems for sieve vibrating separators were established: continuous in time and intensive cleaning of sieve openings from components of bulk materials, which ensures minimal deviation of the effective screening area from the basic one; reliability of cleaning working elements of cleaning systems should be based on maximum durability and minimal wear; minimization of the influence of external conditions on the technological efficiency of cleaning systems; minimizing the impact of external conditions on the technological efficiency of cleaning systems; minimizing the negative impact on separation processes and the reliability of separation machine components; minimizing the level of injury to bulk material components and clogging of final separation products. The main features of the division of cleaning systems are: by the nature of the impact on the components of bulk materials using working elements, self-cleaning of the holes of sieving surfaces, using special devices; by the type of working elements of frictional and impact action; by the type of drive with crank, chain, non-drive and flexible connection. The most promising in terms of a set of indicators, for further research, were selected cleaning systems with working elements of impact action and free movement – ball type. The result of the work was a generalized classification of cleaning systems for the holes of perforated sieving surfaces of separating machines, which will allow us to identify ways for further improvements and develop new working cleaning elements.


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How to Cite
Kharchenko, S. O., Kharchenko, F. M., Kotliarevskyi, I. V., & Pankova, O. V. (2024). ANALYSIS OF CLEANING SYSTEMS FOR PERFORATED SIFTING SURFACES OF SEPARATION MACHINES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (57), 48-55.