Keywords: perforated sifting surface, separation, loose material, classification, promising methods, volumetric structure, riffles


One of the main working bodies of separation equipment is perforated sifting surfaces, which operate with vibration and separate the components of loose grain materials by size. The significant influence of the parameters of the sifting surfaces on the efficiency of the loose material separation process makes them crucial in relation to the technological performance and quality of the separation equipment. Replacing perforated sifting surfaces does not require significant changes in the design of separation equipment. Despite the significant impact, today there are a number of classifications based on design features that make it difficult to understand the prospects and innovations in relation to the intensification of the process of separating loose grain materials. In addition, there is a constant development and emergence of new designs, manufacturing methods and improvements of perforated sifting surfaces. The aim of the work was to generalise and develop a classification of perforated sifting surfaces of separation equipment, which will allow determining the prospects for intensifying the process of separation of loose grain materials. As a result of the analysis of existing studies, the following distinctive features of perforated sifting surfaces have been identified: by the method of manufacture, by the location of the working surface, by the mobility of the working surface, by the use of additional elements, by the shape of the holes, by the shape of the working surface, by the location of the holes, by the technological operation, by the size of the holes, by the material from which they are made. A classification of perforated sifting surfaces according to these features with a detailed division into subclasses is proposed. The technical implementation of a promising method for intensive loosening of a layer of loose grain material by using a perforated sifting surface with a volumetric corrugated structure is proposed. The factors that influence the efficiency of the process of separation of bulk grain materials have been determined. The obtained results make it possible to find possible improvements in the design of sifting surfaces and intensify the processes of separation of loose grain materials on separation equipment.


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How to Cite
Kharchenko, S. O., Kharchenko, F. M., Stelmakh, A. M., Pogulyai, V. M., Mayorov, O. V., & Guz, O. I. (2024). ANALYSIS OF PERFORATED SIFTING SURFACES OF SEPARATION EQUIPMENT AND PROSPECTS FOR THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (57), 56-63.