The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the efficiency of spur cylindrical gear transmissions depending on the addendum modification coefficient. The study focuses on enhancing the load-bearing capacity of the gear teeth, optimizing efficiency, and ensuring transmission durability with minimal power losses. Additional emphasis is placed on reducing noise and vibrations caused by backlash-induced impacts on the trailing teeth and analysing the fatigue contact and fatigue bending strengths of the gear teeth. The research aims to determine the influence of the addendum modification coefficient on the operational performance of gear transmissions. The finite element method (FEM) is utilized to evaluate the deflected mode parameters of the teeth and the contact pressure at different points along the meshing line. The study examines the effect of the addendum modification χ1 and χ2 on the efficiency, noise, and vibrations of the transmissions. It also explores power losses as a function of contact geometry variations resulting from tooth profile modifications. A detailed comparison is provided between two approaches for calculating power losses: the classical Niemann method, which assumes a constant average friction coefficient along the contact line, and Hai Xu’s modern methodology, which incorporates a variable friction coefficient based on non-Newtonian elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) theory. The article includes simulations of localized energy losses in individual segments of the contact line and their integration to determine overall transmission efficiency metrics. The study also assesses the impact of the addendum modification coefficient on the fatigue contact and fatigue bending strengths of the gear teeth. Stress and contact pressure calculations under multi-cycle loading conditions illustrate the dependence of the stress state of the teeth on the profile’s geometric parameters. It is demonstrated that a rational distribution of addendum modification coefficients between the pinion and the gear can significantly improve transmission performance, achieving an optimal balance between efficiency and durability. The research emphasizes that selecting appropriate addendum modification coefficients not only reduces power losses but also decreases noise and vibration levels during operation. The article provides design recommendations for spur gear transmissions aimed at achieving maximum efficiency while maintaining high reliability. Specifically, an optimal range of addendum modification coefficients is proposed, tailored to various operational conditions and load requirements. The results indicate that tooth profile modification and the rational distribution of addendum modification coefficients can significantly enhance the working characteristics of gear transmissions. The conclusions presented have practical value for design engineers working on the development of high-efficiency gear transmissions with improved operational performance.
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