Cheese products made with vegetable ingredients added to cottage cheese are very healthy. As vegetable raw materials are a source of essential amino acids, they have immunomodulatory functions and promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and iron transport in the human body. To reduce the risk of exposure to active acidity and to provide additional moisture to the finished products from fresh berries and fruits, it is possible to add fruit and vegetable powders obtained by freeze-drying to the curd mass. The work aims to develop a technology for curd pastes with increased nutritional value. To achieve this goal, the possibility of using freeze-dried melon powders in curd pastes was determined. The chemical composition of freeze-dried melon powders is represented by a significant vegetable protein content (8.35±1.0 g/100 g). The combination of vegetable and animal proteins will allow the developed fortified product's maximum biological value and the fermented milk product's optimal amino acid composition. The high dietary fiber content (10.0±1.0 g/100 g) gives functional and technological properties to melon powders. Based on comprehensive studies, an acceptable dose of freeze-dried melon powder in curd paste is 5.0% to 20%. Organoleptic evaluation in conjunction with physicochemical parameters showed that a rational solution is to add 15%. The recipe composition of the curd paste is as follows: 62% cottage cheese (with lactulose), 23% cream, and 15% freeze-dried melon powder. The use of freeze-dried melon powder in curd paste technology helps increase the calorie content by increasing the carbohydrate content in vegetable raw materials without adding sugar to the recipe. The product is also enriched with dietary fiber, corresponding to 6% of the daily value. A recipe and technological scheme for curd pastes with increased biological value. A set of data characterizing the quality of the developed pastes was obtained, and their nutritional and biological value was proved.
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