Sanitary and hygienic conditions of labor organization at bakery enterprises of sumy region

Keywords: sanitary and hygienic conditions, bakery production, flour dust, production factors.


The paper analyzes the sanitary and hygienic working conditions of employees of the main professional groups that lead in the Sumy region bakeries JSC "Shostka bakery" and LLC "Sumy Palyanytsya". The necessity of modernization and improvement of sanitary and hygienic aspects of technological process and equipment, optimization of working conditions and working conditions of female workers is substantiated. At both enterprises, the air temperature at the workplace of pastry chefs, engaged in large-scale bakery production in the cold period of the year, exceeded the permissible parameters by 3.6-4.6 °C. During the warm period of the year, the air temperature of the working area in the dough preparation department of the white bread and loaf baking shop reached 41.6 оС, which was 19.6 оС higher than the optimal norms and 14.6 оС - permissible. The relative humidity in all production facilities met hygienic standards. Thus, the study of the conditions and organization of work of bakers and bakers in modern large bakery enterprises revealed the presence of a set of adverse occupational factors, most pronounced in the warm season. Despite the use of new equipment, mechanization of the technological process, significant changes in working conditions of employees of large bakery enterprises in 2019 and 2020 did not happen. The results of the research indicate the need to develop and implement a set of hygienic measures aimed at improving the working conditions and organization of employees of JSC "Shostka Bakery" and LLC "Sumy Palyanytsya".


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How to Cite
Vasylenko, O., & Semernya, O. (2021). Sanitary and hygienic conditions of labor organization at bakery enterprises of sumy region. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (41), 13-16. Retrieved from