Turbo pump unit and its coefficient of useful action

Keywords: Turbopump unit, centrifugal pump, pump rotor, throat seal, fluid flow, fluid pressure, fluid pressure, hydrodynamic forces


Turbo-pumping units are designed as power machines with internal hydraulic drive in the form of a multistage turbine and pumping part with a powerful axial force unloading system. In this case, the economic feasibility of using them requires the achievement of a high efficiency (efficiency), the main component of which is created by the maximum possible external volumetric efficiency. due to the design of a static stable axial unloading system with the least possible leakage of the working fluid. Its energy contribution to the value of total efficiency gives both pumping and turbine parts of the TNA unit. Calculation of total efficiency is advisable to carry out the TNA method by successive approximations with the fulfillment of the necessary condition for balancing the capacities of the turbine and pump parts, taking into account the external energy losses.


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How to Cite
Gorovoy, S., & Golovchenko, G. (2021). Turbo pump unit and its coefficient of useful action. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (40), 31-34. Retrieved from https://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/mapp/article/view/357