Field tests of the fertilizer-sowing unit for simultaneous sowing with the introduction of the starting and basic fertilizer rates

Keywords: combined machine-tractor unit, fertilizer application, sowing, movement stability


Yield planning, the rationale for the use of certain types of mineral fertilizers, the establishment of their doses, timing and methods of application is impossible without agrochemical analysis of soils and the use of zonal varietal agricultural technologies. This paper presents a scheme of a fertilizer-sowing unit, which consists of an aggregating tractor, a seeder for applying the main dose of mineral fertilizers to the soil, to the frame of which a hitch of a seeder of grain crops is pivotally attached. To achieve the required depth of incorporation of the main doses of fertilizers, the first seeder is equipped with single-disc openers. The front seeder is adjusted so that the main dose of mineral fertilizers is sown to a depth of 8-10 cm with row spacing of 25 cm, the rear seeder is used for row sowing of seeds to a depth of 5-6 cm with row spacing of 12.5 cm and the introduction of starting mineral fertilizers into the same lines and the same depth. An analysis of the experimentally obtained data on the functional dependence of the uniform distribution of fertilizers (soybean seeds) along the row showed that with an increase in the speed of movement of the V aggregate and the depth H of laying mineral fertilizers in the soil, the uniformity of their distribution at the bottom of the furrow increases. The optimal values ​​of the speed of movement (V) of the combined unit are 2.5...3.0 m/s, the depth (N) of sowing seeds is 4...5 cm, the depth (h) of laying fertilizers in the soil is 8...9 cm Field studies have shown that when using a combined fertilizer-sowing unit, the yield of spring wheat increases by 5.1 c/ha, barley - by 6.7 c/ha, in comparison with the use of continuous application of the starting fertilizer rate by the spread method, pre-sowing cultivation and combined sowing with simultaneous application of the main hole we are mineral fertilizer. Compared to sowing without mineral fertilizers, the yield of spring wheat increased by 6.9 c / ha, barley - by 10.6 c / ha, respectively.


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How to Cite
Petrichenko, Y., & Geruk , S. (2020). Field tests of the fertilizer-sowing unit for simultaneous sowing with the introduction of the starting and basic fertilizer rates. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (39), 22-26. Retrieved from