Development of motivation of professional self-perfection of the future engineer by means of CAD

Keywords: graphic disciplines, computer technologies, engineering graphics, student motivation, professional self-improvement


Graphic culture is a set of achievements of mankind in the field of creation and mastering of graphic ways of transfer of vari-ous information in a science, technics, art, manufacture. Creation of any design of machine-building production is impossible without the drawing.

Among the disciplines that lay the foundation of engineering and technical representation, "Engineering Graphics" and "De-scriptive Geometry" occupy a special place. Without these disciplines it is impossible to be a competent specialist in the field of design and construction.

The use of computer graphics increases the quality and efficiency of the study of graphic disciplines, develops educational activities. The computer in the classroom is a tool with a wide range of possibilities that allows you to colorfully and interestingly present the material, prepare didactic materials that accompany classes, repeat an infinite number of necessary constructions, de-velop graphic tasks and tests for students. The use of computer technologies in the teaching of engineering graphics provide an opportunity to meet many cognitive needs of students.

The formation of professional motivation of the future specialist is an important area of modernization of education. Today, few first-year students have a high level of professional motivation, and the quality of the educational process depends on how high the motivation of students to study and motivation to master the future profession.

Motivation of professional self-improvement of future engineers is a set of external and internal motives that motivate young people to master professional knowledge, skills and abilities, to form an active life position. The development of motivation for pro
fessional self-improvement of the future engineer, a graduate of a higher educational institution, is a necessary condition for the formation of his professional competence.

Of particular importance for the personal and professional development of the engineer is the level of his motivational orien-tation to professional self-improvement by CAD, as information technologies covers all types of human activities. Professional moti-vation must be formed in the process of studying professional and practical disciplines, including engineering graphics. In order to become a highly qualified specialist, in this case an engineer, the student must receive quality graphic training, without which it is impossible to solve problems of future professional activity.

Graduates of technical specialties must be able to work with graphic systems that allow you to create design documentation and solve problems of three-dimensional graphic modeling.


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How to Cite
RebrііA., & Rybenko, I. (2020). Development of motivation of professional self-perfection of the future engineer by means of CAD. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (39), 54-57. Retrieved from