Keywords: seeds, direct sowing, seedbed, seeder, disk, capstan, tine coulter, safety device, oscillating spring, Lagrange’s Equation of the second kind


Sowing is the most important operation of mechanized crop cultivation technology because, according to agrotechnical requirements, seeds must be placed in the soil of a certain structure, moisture, and hardness, at a given sowing depth and at a uniform interval along the row. Maintaining a consistent depth of pre-sowing tillage helps to compact the seedbed, ensures better seed embedding, and subsequently improves light access to the sprouts. This has a positive effect on the level of field germination of seeds and simultaneity (friendliness) of seedlings, which generally increases the initial development of plants and, as a result, crop yields. Therefore, the technical perfection of the working parts of machines for pre-sowing soil preparation and seed sowing plays an important role. The article presents a classification of modern direct seeding coulters of domestic and foreign production based on similarity of the furrow shape. The design features of the disc coulters of the Salford 520 and John Deere 730 seeders, the capstan coulters of the Amazone Primera DMC and AD3 Special are described, the results of the development of a theoretical model of the mechanism of the oscillating spring on the example of the safety device of the capstan coulters of the Horsch Sprinter ST, Elvorti CZS-2.1 seeders are presented. The analysis revealed that the coulters that form a V-shaped furrow are the least destructive to the integrity of the soil composition, copy its surface well, more accurately adhere to the depth of cultivation at higher speeds, but can capture and draw plant residues into the seedbed, which reduces the field germination of seeds and requires increased maintenance costs. Coulters that cut a U-shaped furrow create a dense seedbed, which contributes to faster seed germination, but they do not control the seeding depth sufficiently. Tine coulters provide a more uniform distribution of seed nutrition areas than chisel-shaped ones, which leads to an increase in crop yields, but they can bring boulders and large clods to the surface, especially when working on soils of high hardness.


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How to Cite
Yablonskyi, P. M. (2023). DESIGN FEATURES OF THE SPRING SAFETY DEVICE FOR DIRECT SEED COULTERS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (4 (50), 144-148.