Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength, phytochrome, rapeseed, biopotential, seed treatment, productivity, agricultural technologies


The article analyzes the impact of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in the red (660 nm), blue (460 nm) ranges, and combined exposure, with exposure of 10 and 30 minutes for each variant of rapeseed irradiation. The Grow Light 2 Full Spectrum LED plant lamp, which was used in experiments, has a large lighting area, is flexible and has 3 separate heads, which allows you to increase the lighting angle several times. Thanks to the flexibility of each individual lamp head, it was possible to choose and adjust the lighting angle. Such a lamp can achieve 360° illumination. One of the most important features of the lamp is the individual irradiation mode. For the experiments, rapeseed was chosen as one of the most widespread crops in the territory of Ukraine. Rape is an economically important allotetraploid oil crop. Traditionally, rape is one of the most marginal and export-oriented agricultural crops. Unirradiated seeds were used as a control. The energy of germination and laboratory germination and additionally the length of roots and seedlings were studied. The obtained results showed that the most significant effect on the energy of germination and laboratory germination had a variant of the combined action of both the red and blue ranges for 30 minutes. It is this mode of processing in laboratory conditions that shows the possibilities of activating the biopotential of seeds. Thus, it is the activation of a group of different photoreceptors, and phytochromes and cryptochromes, that is most effective. Treatment for 10 minutes had almost no effect at all wavelengths. This may be due to the fact that exposure to EMF has a prolonged effect and may manifest itself later. For rape, the difference with the control ranged within 2%. The revealed fact can be explained by the peculiarities of biochemical processes, in particular their speed, which requires further study. In general, the increase in laboratory similarity to the germination energy of canola seeds, which is insignificant in laboratory conditions, but can have a significant effect in the conditions of field studies, taking into account weather conditions and other factors of cultivation. No regularity of changes in the indicators of the length of roots and seedlings was found in all variants of the experiment, which may indicate the insensitivity of this indicator to EMV treatment.


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How to Cite
Pankova, O. V., Sirovitskiy, K. G., Kharchenko, S. O., Onychko, V. I., Tarelnyk, V. B., & Dumanchuk, M. Y. (2023). SOWING QUALITY OF CANOLA SEEDS DEPENDING ON TREATMENT WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION OF DIFFERENT MODES AS AN ENVIRONMENTALLY WAY OF INCREASE YIELD. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (51), 59-65.