A promising study is the design and improvement of machines for longitudinal cutting of materials with minimal energy costs to perform the technological process of cutting due to the geometry of the cutting tool. The article considers the issues of reducing energy costs for the process of longitudinal cutting when using a knife blade with an arcuate cross-section. The analysis is carried out, the effective method of the analysis of influence of size of a backlash between generators of transporting rollers and size of distance from a vertical axis of rotation of transporting rollers to an edge of a knife blade with an arc-shaped cross section on the total size to determine the necessary settings in the machine of longitudinal cutting for felt, as well as to verify the reliability of analytical and experimental models of the process of longitudinal cutting with a knife with an arcuate cross-sectional shape. To determine the total amount of losses during longitudinal cutting of the material and the number of losses due to friction of the material on the face of a fixed knife with an arcuate crosssectional shape, as well as linear cutting force, a two-factor experiment was conducted for the study model. The obtained regression equations describe the total amount of losses during longitudinal cutting of the material and the number of losses due to friction of the material on the face of a stationary knife with an arcuate cross-section, suggest the adequacy of analytical and experimental models made earlier. Also make the necessary adjustments, namely, to adjust the degree of compression of the material and set the edge of the knife blade relative to the vertical axis of the transport rollers to reduce friction losses on the edge of the knife, which in turn reduces energy costs for longitudinal cutting. Comparing the total values of losses in the longitudinal cutting of the material of a knife with one-sided sharpening and a knife with an arcuate cross-section, allows you to talk about the feasibility of using a knife with an arcuate cross-section, which will reduce energy costs for the process.
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