Keywords: maneuvers, performance, machine unit, speed, turn, trajectory, path, simulation, mathematical model, efficiency, precision farming system


The productivity of field machine units largely depends on the working width of the grip, speed of movement, nominal power of the engine, the traction force of the vehicle, the ratio of working moves, as well as on the rational use of working time. Productivity is also determined by the working conditions, in particular the shape and size of the site, the depth of cultivation, the volume of technological capacities, the maneuverability of units, the qualification of the operator, etc. One of the productivity improvement reserves includes the kinematic parameter, the coefficient of working strokes φ, which shows the degree of utilization of the total path of the unit in the corral for useful work, and is an important characteristic of the chosen mode of movement, and is the ratio of the total working path of the unit in the corral to the entire distance traveled. The value of the coefficient depends on the size of the processing area (the length of the furrow), the kinematic indicators of the unit – the turning radius, the length of the exit, the width of the unit, the method and speed of movement during turns and entrances. The higher the coefficient φ, the shorter the idle distance of the unit and the higher its productivity. The purpose of the scientific research is the analysis based on the created mathematical model of the curvilinear movement of the center of gravity of the field unit with front steerable wheels, the proposed algorithm of using mathematical equations in parametric form for modeling the trajectories (maneuvers) of energy vehicles using the front axle based on the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor. In the analysis of literary sources, methods of theoretical analysis of ways to increase the productivity of machine-tractor units, systematization of parameters, and sequential analysis of characteristics were used. Attempts and ways to increase the productivity of field units have been investigated in many articles by world scientists. This leads to a reduction in the required width of the turning lane, an increase in the length of the furrows, an increase in the productivity of the unit, a significant decrease in the number of damaged plants on the sown turning lanes, and a decrease in the mechanical and technological properties of the soil. In the conclusions of the scientific study, the result of the rational use of the simulated trajectories of curvilinear movement of field units with front steered wheels during the performance of agricultural works with the help of introduced algorithms, which are simpler and suitable for use in practice, is presented.


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How to Cite
Zubko, V., Sirenko, Y. V., & Kalnahuz, A. (2023). USE OF THE PROPOSED ALGORITHMS DURING THE SIMULATION OF MANEUVERS BY FIELD UNITS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (53), 32-39.