Keywords: microbial associations, mycelial fungi, toxin producers, Chapek Agar


Animal breeding active development requires the provision of this manufacture with a food base. And both the nutritional value, quality and safety of food components have been accounted for. Determining the nutritional feed value is a standard and not a hard task. However, foods with perfect organoleptic proprieties can carry a hidden danger ‑ mycotoxins. These substances are produced by microscopic fungi in stressful situations to ensure their own species survival. We have assessed the surface contamination of wheat grains grown in Zhytomyr Polissya in 2020 by potential mycotoxins producers. The composition of microbial associations was studied in incubation on Chapek Agar at temperatures of 32˚C, 23˚C, and 15˚C (according to temperature fluctuations at the wheat harvest period in this region). Representatives of the fungi morphological group (mycelial, yeast) and single colonies of different Bacillus types were developed on Chapek Agar in any cultivation conditions. Around grains incubated at 23˚C and 32˚C were registered a small number of individual colonies (from 20.6% to 33.9%) and many more fused and multilayered ones. In microbial associations grown at different temperatures, mycelial fungi developed better than yeast. 81.4% of the total colonies number grown at 23˚C belonged to mycelial fungi of different spaces. This mark at 32˚C was 72.3%. The 32˚C temperature stimulated the development of mucoral fungi and toxin producents (Aspergillus spp) association. In such conditions, mucoral fungi formed films in the form of lawns in 5 days, and Aspergillus spp. formed a huge number of conidia. In the temperature range of 23˚С-15˚С, representatives of known toxin producers species such as Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Alternaria have been developed. These microorganisms formed mature colonies not in 5 but in 7-8 days. So, in summer conditions with the temperature (30±2)˚С, wheat grain, as a component of animal rations, should be unloaded from warehouses with low temperatures every 2-3 days. In case the temperature is (24±2)˚С this procedure can be carried out in 5 days.


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How to Cite
Solodka, L. O., Kryvda, M. I., Kostenok, S. V., & Smurov, G. O. (2021). MICROBIAL INSEMINATION OF WHEAT GRAINS WHICH HAS BEEN GROWN AT ZHYTOMYR POLISYA. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (4 (55), 24-30. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.vet.2021.4.4