The authors conducted a research of reforming the field of veterinary medicine in Ukraine regarding the identification of companion animals in the context of sustainable development, “One Health” and digitalization. The professional activity of a Doctor of Veterinary medicine in the European Union belongs to the few professions from the category of “professions of public trust”, and therefore their professional activity should be accompanied by the support of the government in all directions. The authors used such research methods as scientific-historical, comparative, comparative-legal, normativedogmatic. The work was carried out within the framework of consultations provided by foreign partners and based on the results of participation in international veterinary Assemblies UEVP/FVE. In the context of the researched issue, an analysis of CMU Resolution No. 1171 dated November 3, 2023 was carried out. According to the conducted studies, it was proved that with the application of CMU Resolution No. 1171 on practice, the issue of creating a unique Register with a digital passport for a companion animal was improved, which, in contrast to existing methods, demonstrates the development of Ukraine as a digital state, a powerful impetus for reforming veterinary legislation of Ukraine in the context of joining the EU. It has been defined that the use of the Register with a digital passport for a companion animal on practice will contribute to the introduction of paperless movement of animals with a digital passport in the European Union, which, unlike existing methods, will record the latest vaccinations against rabies of the companion animal, the results of laboratory tests of blood serum for the presence antibodies to the rabies virus (FAVN test), the presence of the owner of the animal. It has been proved that, at the international and national levels, this innovation will contribute to the future monitoring of animal migration under conditions of war, as well as to the elimination of the spread of zoonoses from unfavorable regions of the country to other regions both within Ukraine and beyond its borders. It was proved that for the first time in Ukraine, the implementation of the Register of identified animals can be considered as one of the proactive thorough steps towards the creation of the register of Doctors of Veterinary Medicine in Ukraine, which can be synchronized with the register of an independent self-governing veterinary body in Ukraine in future. It was found that the practical implementation of this approach regarding the Register of Doctors of Veterinary Medicine at the self-governing independent veterinary body in Ukraine will “open” international borders for Ukrainian products of animal origin, the movement of not only animals, but also products of animal origin will be tracked through a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine who will act in the General Register as a guarantee of transparency, with access to the EU market.
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