Keywords: pathogen, immunostimulant, antibiotic, bacteria, viruses, association, infection


According to the results of a number of studies, it has been established that one of the problems that leads to a decrease in the profitability of livestock is the respiratory diseases of young animals. With the development of pig farming, as it is the most profitable industry, these diseases are common in many countries and occupy a leading place in the pathology of pigs (Grechukhin, Shafiev, 2012; Kovalishin, Kanypina, Byadovskaya, 2016). Recently, numerous studies in our country and abroad have shown that diseases of young animals are facilitated by technological stressors that reduce overall nonspecific resistance and have both non-infectious and infectious nature. Respiratory diseases account for a large share. Despite the fact that the epizootiological role of pathogens of infectious etiology has been studied, but in the occurrence of respiratory syndrome in piglets remains one of the acute problems. Different species in the etiology of respiratory diseases in young animals provides them with a longer stay in the body. Prejudiced economic factors create a barrier that prevents the formation of specific protection in infectious animal diseases, and immunoprophylaxis of factor infections, especially without creating appropriate conditions for keeping and feeding animals. Scientists have proved that the set of measures to combat respiratory diseases of piglets, in addition to the use of specific prevention, technological and veterinary measures, requires the use of immunostimulants and antimicrobial action on concomitant pathogenic bacteria (Zuev, 2012; Bednarek, Pejsak, 2014). According to research, it is determined that the specific prevention of a large number of infectious diseases is not effective, so the direction in the fight against them belongs to the use of complex therapy. Respiratory diseases have an associated form, so it becomes necessary to use drugs with a broad spectrum of action, while affecting several pathogens. At the present level, antibiotic therapy is used. The complex of drugs includes a synergistic effect, which allows to reduce the dose of a drug and thus improve the treatment of infected animals.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, L. M., & Kovalenko, A. I. (2021). РATHOLOGY OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACT OF PIGS UNDER INFLUENCE OF INFECTIOUS PATIENTS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (3 (54), 26-30. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.vet.2021.3.4