Keywords: intestinal yersiniosis, diagnosis, epizootology, pathology, Yersinia enterocolitica, contamination, small pets, morbidity


The article contains analytical data on the current epidemiological situation regarding the spread of intestinal yersiniosis among animals and humans, both abroad and in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of national and foreign scientific sources, the article presents information on the spread of yersiniosis among humans and animals. Modern approaches to the identification of pathogenic strains are characterized. A review of information and comparative characteristics of methods for detection and study of Yersinia enterocolitica. The existing methods of differentiation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of Y. enterocolitica of different serovars are established, which can be conditionally divided into 4 groups: biological, genetic, phenotypic, immunological. Based on the data obtained and our own research, it can be argued that the most reliable research results can be obtained using only a complete combination of methods. The analysis of the data identified the main serovars of the causative agent of intestinal yersiniosis, which are pathogenic for both humans and animals. After analyzing the literature data for recent years, the territory of Ukraine can be divided into areas that correspond to three levels of damage: low, medium and high. Low incidence rate of 0.01–0.11% of cases per 100 thousand population, average level of 0.12–0.58% of cases per 100 thousand population, high level of 0.59% of cases and higher per 100 thousand population. Although Yersinia enterocolitica is a common enteropathogen that usually causes a relatively mild course of the disease, it can be a major cause of life-threatening infection following blood transfusion and sepsis. It can also lead to severe postinfectious complications such as arthritis. Own research has shown that one of the simplest, most economically feasible and informative methods for diagnosing yersiniosis in cats is sowing on a yersiniosis nutrient medium, on which the bacterial culture grows quite quickly and specifically. Based on the literature data, a sample of the main complexes of the study Yersinia enterocolitica. The economic estimation of their application is carried out. Issues of human and small pet biosafety regarding the spread of intestinal yersiniosis have been raised.


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How to Cite
Truba, O. A. (2021). EPIZOOTOLOGICAL AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF INTESTINAL YERSINIOSIS IN UKRAINE (REVIEW). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (3 (54), 48-53. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.vet.2021.3.7