Keywords: pig farming, animal husbandry, biosafety, number of livestock, African swine fever, Sumy region


From ancient times, pig farming has maintained the proper level of welfare of the country’s population and economy, providing people with food and raw materials for further processing. Being a traditional type of Ukrainian animal husbandry, pig breeding in the Sumy region also plays a significant role in meeting the needs of the domestic market and remains a popular branch of animal husbandry due to its efficiency. However, in recent years there have been negative trends in the state of pig farming in the Sumy region and in Ukraine as a whole, due to a number of economic, zootechnical, political and epizootic factors. The aim of this work was to analyze statistical data on the intensity of pig farming in the Sumy region and to identify the relationship between the dynamics of changes in the number of livestock, the epizootic situation, and compliance with biosafety rules in farms. The article was based on the information obtained from the official online resource of the Main Department of Statistics in the Sumy region, the official online resource of the State Food and Consumer Service, and the reports of the Main Department of Veterinary Medicine in the Sumy region. The study has revealed a significant decrease in the number of pigs in the Sumy region since 2014, which coincides with the time of detection of the first outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in the region (15.12.2014). Given the complication of the epizootic situation and the reduction in the number of livestock in the private sector in relation to the total number of animals, it was concluded that ASF has a significant impact on pig farming in the Sumy region and the risk of disease outbreaks for farms in case of non-compliance with biosafety rules. During the analysis of reports regarding the level of farm biosafety, attention was paid to the presence of fences, active sanitary facilities, disinfectant barriers and disinfection of overalls of the personnel working with animals in the pig farms. Additionally, the number of farms that carry out heat treatment of feed before feeding pigs was counted. Regarding improvements in the biosafety status for the period of 2018 – 2021, positive dynamics has been found in the increasing relative number of farms characterized by the presence of existing sanitary facilities (+ 12%), disinfectant barriers (+ 15%), and disinfection of overalls of the personnel working with animals (+ 15%).


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How to Cite
Dudnyk, Y. O., & Fotina, T. I. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF AFRICAN SWINE FEVER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIG FARMING IN THE SUMY REGION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1 (56), 3-8.