Reaction norm of selection material for tests in the conditions of the Ukrainian Carpathians
The results of research on the manifestation of the reaction rate of breeding material created in the selection department of the Institute of Potato Growing and Polissya Research Department of this institute, for testing in specific soil-climatic, phytopathogenic conditions of the Ukrainian Carpathians are presented.
According to the early accumulation of the crop, the hybrid H.09.8-14 was isolated, which was also characterized by the stability of the indicator, which cannot be noted in relation to other early forms. Among the samples of other maturity groups, the hybrid P.12.16/12 stood out, which had a higher average yield than the varieties Yavir and Chervona Ruta, by 0.01 and 0.16 t/ha, respectively. In addition, it differed in age from the standards for the manifestation of the sign.
The hybrid H.09.8-14 was characterized by the maximum marketability of the crop, but despite its advantage over the Yavir variety in 2018 (by 0.9 %), on average it was inferior to the standard by 0.2 %. The worst conditions for the formation of the commodity harvest were in 2019, when in three samples the manifestation of the trait was less than 90 %.
In addition to the standard varieties Yavir and Chervona Ruta, the hybrid BM.178/55 has been identified for resistance to late blight, but with specific dynamics of disease development depending on the general pathogenic situation.
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