Keywords: peas, variety, mineral fertilizers, growth regulators, nodulation apparatus, symbiotic potential.


The present paper highlights the results on the formation of general and active symbiotic potential of garden peas (Pisum sativum) depending on the level of fertilization with different doses of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators in the Western Forest-Steppe. Factors studied during 2016–2018 had a positive impact on the development and formation of nodulation apparatus in peas plants. The purpose of experimental studies was to examine the influence of various doses of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators on the formation of a nodulation apparatus on the peas roots. It has been found that the symbiotic system of leguminous crops remains active for all phases of growth and development. Biological nitrogen, which is absorbed of the peas plant roots during the growing season of legumes, including peas, is friendly environment and significantly improves of soil fertility. Field experiments were conducted in the typical, deep, low-humus black soils, heavy-toed loams, in the ten-thousand crop rotation of the “Podillia” Educational and Production Center of Higher Educational Institution of Podillia State University. The interaction between three factors (A – grade (“Hotivskyi” (control), “Chekbek” and “Farhus”); C – applications (P30K45 (control), N15P30K45, N30P30K45, N45P30K45); C – growth regulators (control – without processing, PlantaPeh – 25 g/ha, Emistym C – 30 ml / ha, Wympel – 30 ml / ha) were studied. It has been proved that the application of small doses of mineral nitrogen fertilizers after of phosphorus-potassium ones improved of nitrogen biological fixation in plants sprayed with growth regulators. The study results showed that the indicators of the general symbiotic potential exceeded the indicators of active potential, because the total number of nodules and their mass were higher than the number and mass of active nodules. The highest indicators were recorded on the peas roots of Chekbek variety where mineral fertilizers were applied in doses of N30P30K45 in combination with growth regulators. The highest doses of mineral nitrogen of N45 adversely affected the level of general and active symbiotic potentials, which ultimately led to decrease in the yield of peas grain.


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