Keywords: grain sorghum, nutrients, system of fertilizers, uptake, balance


For the first time in conditions of sufficient moisture of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for growing grain sorghum on leached chernozem, an efficient fertilization system was substantiated, which forms a balanced balance of nutrients in the soil and provides grain yield over 8.5 t/ha. It was established that grain sorghum plants with grain yield removed mainly nitrogen from the soil, with by-product – mainly potassium. In the control without fertilizers, the removal of nitrogen with grain yield (6.09 t/ha) was 105 kg/ha, phosphorus – 24, potassium – 27, with stems yield (26.1 t/ha) – 58, 12 and 140 kg/ ha, respectively. When cultivating on leached chernozem, grain sorghum responded positively to the application of high doses of mineral fertilizers. Under the alienation of non-commodity part of crop yield from the field, application fertilizer at a dose of N120P120K120 provided grain yield of 7.91 t/ha, stems – 28.3 t/ha with an increase to the control without fertilizers – by 1.82 and 2.2 t/ha, respectively. At this dose of fertilizers grain sorghum plants removed from the soil with biological yield of nitrogen – 207 kg/ha, phosphorus – 46, potassium – 192 with an increase to control without fertilizers – by 40, 10 and 25 kg/ha, respectively. The use of an alternative organic-mineral fertilizer system contributed to further increase in grain sorghum yield. With the application of 4 t/ha straw + N120Р120К120, the grain yield was 8.54 t/ha, exceeding the control without fertilizers – by 2.45 t/ha. This fertilizer system ensured high economic efficiency of grain sorghum cultivation, but did not form a balanced balance of nutrients in the soil. With the application of 4 t/ha straw + N120Р120К120 nitrogen deficiency in the soil remained at the level of 74 kg/ha, potassium – 31 kg/ha with a positive phosphorus balance of 79 kg/ha. The most productive and ecologically stable was the fertilizer system, which based on leaving the non-marketable part of grain yield of sorghum crop in the field and provide applying 4 t/ha straw + N120Р120К120 under plowing in autumn. Under such conditions, a virtually deficient nitrogen balance was formed (-4 kg/ha) and significant reserves of phosphorus and potassium accumulated in the soil of 94 and 134 kg/ha, respectively. If the non-commodity part of the grain sorghum crop is left in the field, it is rational to apply only nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers under the alternative organic-mineral fertilizer system – 4 t/ha straw + N120P30. Such a fertilizer system will form a balanced balance of nutrients in the soil and significantly reduce fertilizer costs.


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How to Cite
Ivanina, V. V., & Pashynska, K. L. (2022). FORMATION OF NUTRITIONAL BALANCE IN GRAIN SORGHUM CROPS UNDER DIFFERENT FERTILIZER SYSTEMS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 47(1), 65-70.