In the summer period of 2020–2021, the taxonomic composition, abundance and biomass of zoobenthos in the Kremenchuk and Kakhovka reservoirs were investigated. Zoobenthos was represented by the following classes: Oligochaeta, Insecta, Malacostraca, Polychaeta. In the studied areas of the Kremenchuk reservoir in the summer of 2020, the average number of "soft" zoobenthos was 1,680 specimens/m2 with a biomass of 3.72 g/m2, in the summer of 2021 – 1,034 specimens/m2 with a biomass of 3.057 g/m2. Quantitative indicators of "soft" zoobenthos in the summer of 2020 were formed by oligochaetes (67% and 44%) and chironomid larvae (27% and 38%), and in 2021 by chironomid larvae (88% and 86%) and, to a lesser extent, oligochaetes (8% and 12%). In the Kremenchuk reservoir in the studied areas in 2020, larvae of Trichoptera (3% and 6%), Cumacea (3% and 1%) were recorded, and in 2021, larvae of Trichoptera (3% and 29%) and Cumacea (4% and 1%, respectively, of the total number and biomass of "soft" macrozoobenthos of the reservoir). In the summer of 2020, molluscs were represented: by Valvata piscinalis and Dreissena polymorpha, which accounted for 50% of the total number of molluscs and 80% of the biomass, and in 2021 – by Valvata piscinalis and Dreissena polymorpha (67% of the total number of molluscs and 88% of the biomass) . In the summer of 2020, the average number of "soft" zoobenthos in the investigated areas of the Kakhovka reservoir was 600 specimens /m2 with a biomass of 0.719 g/m2. The number and biomass of "soft" zoobenthos was formed by oligochaetes (57% and 65%) and chironomid larvae (30% and 19%, respectively). Also, polychaetes (7% and 9%), Cumacea (6% and 5%) and Amphipoda (5% and 1%, respectively, of the total number and biomass of the "soft" macrozoobenthos of the reservoir) were found in the reservoir in the studied areas. Molluscs were not recorded in the studied areas of the reservoir.
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