Keywords: sowing methods, vegetation period, hybrid, corn, individual vegetation periods, maturity group


The article investigates the influence of sowing methods on the duration of individual parts and the entire growing season by years of research in maize hybrids of different maturity groups. Field, laboratory, and statistical methods were used in the research. Two factors were taken for analysis: factor A maize hybrids of different maturity groups (SI Talisman (FAO 200), SI Photon (FAO 260), NK Thermo (FAO 330), SI Zephyr (FAO 430)) and factor B sowing method (70 cm (control); 20.3×76.2 cm; 20.3×91.4 cm; 20.3×96.5 cm). The conducted studies did not establish the effect of sowing methods of the studied maize hybrids on the duration of the growing season and its individual parts. The duration of the period "sowing-seedlings" ranged from 7–11 days, "seedlings-8 leaves" – 33–40 days, "8 leaves-panicle flowering" – 17–26 days, "panicle flowering-full grain ripeness" – 49–62 days, "seedlings-full grain ripeness" – 99–128 days. The duration of the growing season and individual periods of vegetation in the studied maize hybrids did not depend on different sowing methods, but were more influenced by the biological characteristics and maturity group of the hybrid. The duration of the period "seedlings-8 leaves of corn", regardless of sowing methods, was 36 and 33 days for the hybrid SI Talisman, 36 and 34 days for SI Photon (FAO 260), 38 and 36 days for NK Thermo (FAO 330), and 40 and 37 days for SI Zefir (FAO 430), respectively, in 2021 and 2022. In the maize hybrid SI Talisman, the period of "8 leaves – flowering of panicles" was 18 and 17 days, SI Photon (FAO 260) – 19 and 19 days, NC Thermo (FAO 330) – 23 and 21 days, SI Zephyr (FAO 430) – 26 and 23 days, respectively, in 2021 and 2022. The duration of the period "flowering of panicles – full ripeness of grain" in the medium-late hybrid SI Zephyr (FAO 430) increased by 11 days compared to the early ripe hybrid SI Talisman (FAO 200). The longest duration of the period "germination-full grain ripeness" was observed in the medium-late hybrid SI Zephyr (FAO 430) – 128 and 120 days, and the shortest in the early-ripening hybrid SI Talisman (FAO 200) – 105 and 99 days, respectively, in 2021 and 2022.


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How to Cite
Stepanenko, M. V., & Grabovskyi, M. B. (2023). INFLUENCE OF SOWING METHODS ON THE DURATION OF CERTAIN INTERPHASE PERIODS AND THE GROWING SEASON OF MAIZE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 53(3), 85-90.