Keywords: fattening, pig, growth, conservation, feed conversion, cost, profitability


The article studied the growth, preservation, coma conversion and fattening efficiency of hybrid pigs of Danish and Canadian origin in the conditions of southern Ukraine. Two groups of experimental piglets of 240 heads each were taken for the study. The first control group included piglets obtained from crossbred sows of the Landrace × Great White breed of Danish origin, which were inseminated with the semen of Danish Duroc boars. The second experimental group included animals obtained from crossbred sows of similar breeds of Canadian origin for their insemination with the sperm of Durok boars of the same origin. As a result of the experiment, it was proved that during fattening, pigs of Danish origin had higher average daily and absolute gains by 2.1%, but were inferior to analogues of Canadian origin in terms of conservation by 0.8% and feed payment by gains of 2.9% and the complex index of fattening qualities by 1.4% and finished fattening on the 177th day of life with almost equal live weight. It was established that pigs of Canadian origin during fattening consumed about 5.0% less feed, which caused by how many percent less their consumption during the fattening period and their cost during this time and the cost of fattening one head. At the same time, due to the different intensity of growth during fattening, the feed cost of 1 kg of gain in pigs of this group turned out to be only 2.9% lower compared to analogues of Danish origin. Whereas, the cost of one head at the end of fattening due to the higher cost of piglets at the time of fattening turned out to be already higher by 0.4%, and the cost of 1 kg of live weight by 0.6%, the cost of one head without VAT at the end of fattening in them was only 0.2% lower, while her feed income was 2.9% lower and profitability was 0.77% worse.


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How to Cite
Voloshynov, V. V., Povod, M. H., Mykhalko, O. H., Usenko, S. O., Shaferivskyi, B. S., Shostia, H. M., & Shpyrna, I. H. (2024). PRODUCTIVE QUALITIES AND EFFICIENCY OF FATTENING OF HYBRID PIGS OF DANISH AND CANADIAN ORIGIN UNDER CONDITIONS OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 25-32.

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