Keywords: breed, crossbreeding, large white breed, Poltava meat breed, landrace, slaughter qualities, half-carcass length, fat thickness


The article examines the results of the study of fattening, slaughter and meat and fat indicators during purebred breeding of a large white breed and its crossbreeds with boars of the Poltava meat breed and landraces. A large white breed (VBxVB – Group I) was chosen as the control group, and a crossbreed from the combination of a large white x Poltava meat (VBxPM – II group) and a large white x landrace (VBxL – III group) were selected as experimental groups. Based on indicators of live weight gain, it was established that the intensity of growth of young pigs is largely determined by their breed. During the entire experiment, according to indicators of live weight gain, local young VBkhPM and VBkhL exceeded purebred peers. Local animals turned out to be the most precocious. The young of the combination of VBxPM fattening conditions reached 100 kg 11 days earlier than animals of the control group. In addition, they exceeded the purebred young in terms of live weight gain by 7.9%, with a decrease in feed consumption per 1 kg of gain by 0.27 feed units, or by 5.5%. The crossing of sows with boars of the Poltava meat breed and the landrace breed compared to purebred breeding contributed to an increase in the yield of meat in carcasses by 5.36-8.38%, respectively. There was no significant difference in the content of bones in carcasses between animals of individual experimental groups. When studying the topography of the salting of carcasses, differences in the thickness of lard were found between crossbreed and purebred animals. In crossbreeds, the fat thickness at the level of the 6th-7th thoracic vertebrae is 5.4-6.1 mm less than in purebred animals. The meat content in the bones of crossbred pigs was 75.46 and 75.55%, respectively, or 5.24 and 5.33% more than in the carcasses of purebred animals. The yield of meat from the lumbar part in pigs of these groups was 64.48 and 63.15%, or 5.83 and 4.50% more than in the animals of the control group. In the studied pigs of all groups, there was an inverse relationship between the thickness of lard and the absolute and relative mass of muscle tissue in the carcass.


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How to Cite
Burhu, Y. G., Kotova, Z. Y., Hnitii, N. V., Oliferchuk, S. V., & Olefir, V. O. (2024). FEEDING AND SLAUGHTERING QUALITIES OF PIGS IN PUREBRED BREEDING AND CROSSING. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 25-29. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.lvst.2024.2.4