Keywords: breed, growth, development, average daily gain, fattening level, breast girth, body length, body composition indices.


The article examines the results of research on the growth and development of purebred and crossbred pigs of different directions of productivity at three levels of fattening. Experiments were conducted on animals obtained from sows of the large white breed in combination with wild boars of the large white breed (group I), Poltava meat breed (group II), landrace breed (group III) and mirgorod breed (group IV). The first level provided for fattening typical for many farms at the level of 250- 350 g of average daily gains. The second and third levels of fattening were carried out with average daily gains of 600-800 and 800-1000 g, respectively. During fattening, the animals were weighed monthly, average daily, absolute and relative live weight gains were determined. To determine the dynamics of growth, measurements of linear dimensions were carried out: length of the trunk, girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades, height at the withers, depth of the chest, girth of the wrist, which were used to determine the indexes of body structure: stretched, massive, lean, deep-chested, bony. During typical fattening, higher indicators of absolute and relative gains and, as a result, greater live weight at the end of fattening were observed in animals of the I and IV experimental groups. The improvement of feeding conditions (optimal and intensive level) led to the fact that the potential fattening possibilities of Poltava meat pigs and Landrace pigs were revealed. No significant difference in the indicators of relative growth between breeds was found, but a gradual decrease in relative growth with age was observed. Animals of III group at 4, 6, and 8 months had the longest body length. at all levels of cultivation. The stretch index increased in animals of all experimental groups up to 6 months of age, which indicates the predominant growth of the trunk in length. The use of meat genotypes as parental forms had a positive effect on the intensity of growth of crossbreds, which contributed to the change in body proportions of crossbred young in the direction of improving meat forms.


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How to Cite
BirtaH. О., Burhu, Y. G., Hnitii, N. V., & Kotova, Z. Y. (2023). AGE CHANGES IN THE INDICATORS OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PIGS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3), 11-15.