• I. B. Voshchenko
Keywords: sow, genotype, breeding method, season, reproductive qualities, farm size


The article is devoted to the study of the dependence of the degree of realization of the genetic potential of hyperproductive modern genetic lines of Danish breeding pigs under different breeding methods during self-repair of the main herd of pigs in the conditions of a small farm on the seasonal parameters of the macroclimate. The following reproductive qualities of sows were studied: the total number of piglets born, multiple fertility, high fertility, the number and weight of piglets and nests as a whole at weaning, preservation and intensity of growth of piglets in the post-weaning period. For this purpose, all farrowing sows were divided into three groups depending on the breeding methods used during self-repair of the sow herd. The first group included sows obtained by purebred breeding of the Danish Landrace, the second by F1 breeding animals obtained by direct crossing of sows of the Landrace breed and boars of the Danish Great White breed, and the third included sows obtained by using backcrossing of F1 hybrids from ♀ Danish Landrace and ♂large white breeds, fertilized with the sperm of large white Danish wild boars. The reproductive qualities of sows inseminated in the winter period (from December 1 to February 28), spring period (from March 1 to May 31), summer period (from June 1 to August 31) and autumn period (from September 1 to 30) were studied. November). It was established that for purebred breeding, the higher values of the indicator of the number of piglets at birth were when sows were fertilized in the autumn season compared to the winter season by 14.73%. According to the multifertility of sows, when inseminated in the spring season, the indicators of the winter period exceeded the indicators of the winter period by 21.38%, and during the autumn insemination, they exceeded the values of the indicators of the winter period by 34.92% and the summer period by 31.36%. In terms of high fertility, its values were higher in winter than in spring by 7.04%, in summer by 7.75% and in autumn by 4.23%. The litter weight of piglets at birth was better in autumn compared to winter by 12.80% and summer by 20.30%. The number of piglets at weaning was 11.88% higher when sows were fertilized in the winter period than in the summer period. The weight of one piglet and their litter at weaning did not have significant differences during all seasons of insemination of sows. In two-breed F1 sows, the lowest multifertility index was established when sows were inseminated in the autumn season, which was inferior to the winter value by 10.59%, the spring value by 12.36% and the summer value by 9.29%, while high fertility, litter weight of piglets at birth, number of piglets and the weight of one head at weaning were unchanged in all seasons, and the weight of the nest of piglets at weaning was 5.22% higher in the spring than in the summer months, but compared to other seasons of insemination of sows, no difference was found. The number of piglets at weaning, the weight of one head and the nest of piglets did not depend on the time of year in which insemination was carried out.


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How to Cite
Voshchenko, I. B. (2024). REALIZATION OF THE GENETIC POTENTIAL OF DANISH BREEDING PIGS DURING THE YEAR DURING SELF-REPAIR OF THE HERD ON A SMALL FARM. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 36-45.