Lifetime productivity of cows of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed under various options of selection
The results of researches of cows of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed were resulted on the traits of duration of economic use and lifetime productivity within the limits of an estimation of genealogical formations. The experimental basis of the research served retrospective selection information of the herd in the enterprise LLC "Mlynivsky Complex" of the Romny branch in the Sumy region. The indicators of the duration and effectiveness of lifetime use were assessed according to the method of Yu. P. Polupan (2010), having recorded information on the dates of birth, first calving and withdrawal for each cow under study. For every lactation were taken into account its duration, the milk yield, the content and output of milk fat for the entire lactation. The hereditary influence of genealogical formations on indicators of duration of economic use and lifetime productivity at intralinear selection and in separate variants of interlinear combinations was studied. According to the results of the offspring evaluation of cows obtained by intra-line selection of five genealogical formations in the controlled herd, was found a reliable influence of lines inheritance on lifetime productivity indicators. Successful and unsuccessful combinations revealed in separate variants of intralinear and interlinear selection testified about necessity of carrying out in stud flocks of a systematic assessment at selection of sires of the corresponding genealogical formations. Repeated use of the most effective options and rejection of unsuccessful ones will help increase the genetic potential of dairy productivity.
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