Keywords: natural gas, biomethane, automobile transport, CNG filling stations, pressure, temperature, gas hydrate accumulator, gas hydrates, energy consumption.


Currently, the changes taking place in the agro–industrial complex of Ukraine require the development and creation of new technologies for refueling agricultural machinery, cars and improving existing technologies for refueling this vehicle with compressed natural gas. Renewable gases include combustible gases derived from renewable energy sources, including biomethane (CH4 ) – an analogue of natural gas, brought to its quality. The advantage of biomethane over natural gas is that it is a renewable resource. It is obtained from biomass by anaerobic digestion and further enriched to 95–98 % methane. At present, the topical issue is the use of the latest gas hydrate technologies for refueling agricultural machinery and cars using natural gas and biomethane at automotive gas-filling compressor stations (CNG filling stations). Improving the efficiency of the compressor unit for CNG stations with unequal consumption of natural gas for refueling during the day and night is possible by using a gas hydrate battery (HA). The paper provides a circuit-technological solution and describes the principle of operation of HA for CNG stations. The method of determining energy consumption in gas hydrate thermocompression of natural gas for CNG–HA is given. The energy consumption of gas hydrate and compressor compression of natural gas for CNG–HA at the change of the initial gas temperature and natural gas consumption from 850 to 1600 m3/h is analyzed. The calculated energy consumption in HA in gas hydrate compression is lower than in compressor compression of natural gas by 10–15 %. A method for determining energy consumption in HA for CNG–HA when the formation of gas hydrates is carried out in one volume and their melting in another volume and a comparative analysis of gas hydrate and compressor compression of natural gas. It was found that the power consumption in HA is less than the compressor compression of natural gas, due to the divergence in time of the formation and melting of gas hydrates. The analysis of energy consumption for compression of natural gas, important for the practice of values of changes in its initial parameters: pressure from 1.2 MPa, temperature from +18 °C. It was found that the use of HA in CNG stations allows not only to make a more uniform daily load on CNG equipment, but also to increase efficiency and reduce its energy consumption. It is shown that the energy consumption of gas hydrate gas compression in HA can be lower than in compressor compression only at a certain value of initial temperatures, pressures and natural gas consumption.


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How to Cite
Bosyi, M. V. (2022). ANALYSIS OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF NATURAL GAS COMPRESSION IN A CAR GAS FILLING COMPRESSOR STATION WITH A GAS HYDRATE BATTERY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1(47).