Keywords: electrospark alloying, end pulse sealing, hardness, roughness, coating, electrode, material, surface


The article analyzes the currently existing literature and patent sources aimed at improving the quality parameters of the surface layers of friction pair parts. The purpose of the work is to improve the quality and wear resistance of the working surfaces of steel rings of end pulse seals, which can be used in conditions of radiation exposure, by forming quasi-multilayer coatings combining lubricating and mechanical properties on the working surfaces of the rings by the method of electrospark alloying. The authors proposed a new way of improving the quality of the surfaces of steel rings of end pulse seals that work under conditions of radiation exposure. Research on the application of the new method was carried out for steel grades 12X18N10T, 30X13 and 40X. The method consists in applying a copper coating to the surface of the end pulse sealing ring by the method of electrospark alloying at a discharge energy Wр = 0.04 J, and then, on the formed surface, a special technological saturating medium is applied in the form of a paste-like mixture, the composition of which includes – 80% tungsten carbide, 10% nickel and 10% petroleum jelly, and carry out electrospark alloying with a graphite electrode at a discharge energy in the range of Wр = 0.5–4.6 J. Alloying with copper and a graphite electrode-tool was carried out on an installation with a manual vibrator "Elytron-22А". Grits were made from the experimental samples, which were examined on the optical microscope "Neofot-2". With the help of a microscope, the quality of the layer, its integrity, thickness and structure of the sublayer zones – the diffusion zone and the zone of thermal influence – were assessed. A durometric analysis was also carried out on the distribution of microhardness in the surface layer and along the depth of the cut from the surface. The application of the new method allows forming layers of the working surfaces of steel rings of end pulse seals of increased hardness with a thickness depending on the grade of steel and the energy of the discharge during cementation by the method of electrospark alloying from 30 to 115 microns, with a microhardness of up to 10350 MPa and 100% integrity. The roughness of the formed coating is within Ra = 0.7–14.2 microns. Further reduction of roughness is possible due to further cementation by electrospark alloying, but with lower discharge energy, as well as non-abrasive ultrasonic finishing.


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How to Cite
Tarelnyk, V. B., Гапонова, О. П., Vlasovets, V. M., Tarelnyk, N. V., Zubko, V. M., Shulyak, M. L., & Kyryk, H. V. (2023). A NEW METHOD OF IMPROVING THE SURFACE QUALITY OF STEEL RINGS OF IMPULSE END SEALS SUBJECTED TO RADIATION IRRADIATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (49), 82-89. https://doi.org/10.32845/msnau.2022.3.12

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