Keywords: agricultural requirements, agrotechnical requirements, quality indicator, yield


The intense processes of climate change and the growing pace of population change on earth require new approaches to efficiency in agricultural production. Every hectare must be used as efficiently as possible. It is the mechanization of the cultivation of agricultural crops that hides the hidden potential of the efficiency of agricultural production in the field of crop production. One of the urgent problems of the industry is ensuring the quality of mechanized technological operations. The productivity of agricultural crops in modern conditions depends on 25–30% of the available means of mechanization. The conducted studies established that the works devoted to the efficiency of mechanized technological operations do not contain data and do not provide for the possibility of determining and analyzing the impact of the quality of field work performed by machine units on productivity. The analysis of literary sources, the experience of agricultural enterprises, and our own observations give grounds for concluding that the working modes and parameters of the use of machine aggregates have an impact on the yield of crops. It is the quantitative and qualitative composition of the complex of machines that forms the yield indicator in terms of the mechanization of operations due to the degree of provision of agricultural requirements. During field studies of the effectiveness of the use of machine units in different operating modes and with different control parameters, a different degree of ensuring the quality indicator was established (the creation of conditions by the machine unit in accordance with the needs of the plants). In real production conditions, the influence of such indicators as working speed, uniformity of tillage depth, working furrow length, and soil hardness has been established. Research was conducted in various farms of the Sumy region and on various units for 5 years. The research was carried out jointly with the Loziv Forging and Mechanical Plant, the companies Elvorti and ATS Ukraine (Horsch) on the territory of Ukraine. Quality indicators during tillage with disc tools were investigated. The obtained empirical dependencies make it possible to increase the adequacy of the technique of obtaining technical and operational indicators.


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How to Cite
Zubko, V. M., Khvorost, T. V., Melnyk, V. I., Pankova, O. V., & Kovalenko, Y. S. (2023). INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF DISCUSSION CONDITIONS ON THE QUALITY INDICATOR. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (51), 30-36.

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