Keywords: derivatograms, agar, honey, glycerin, cashew flour, hydrogels


A key factor in ensuring the stability and quality of gels during their production, storage and use in confectionery and culinary products is their level of heat resistance, which depends on the composition and content of dry substances. This article analyzes the thermogravimetric properties of hydrogels created on the basis of agar and including honey and cashew nut flour for the production of jelly bars. The study consisted of two main stages. The first stage included the study of individual ingredients included in the hydrogel: agar 1200 TM «Fujian Province» (China), food glycerin TM BASF (Germany), sunflower honey and cashew nut flour. The second stage included the preparation of samples of agar hydrogels taking into account the necessary ingredients: «agar 1 % – water – glycerol 0,2 %», «agar 1 % – water – glycerol 0,2 % – honey 25 %», «agar 1 %-water – glycerin 0,2 % – honey 25 % – cashew nut flour 20 %». The comparative analysis indicated that at all stages of decomposition of the experimental samples there is a loss of mass due to the evaporation of water. It was found that the final mass loss for pure agar from the beginning of the study was 16,91 % (or 16,75 mg). The mass change for glycerin was 0,17 % (or 0,21 mg), the mass loss of sunflower honey was 46,06 % (or 56,20 mg), and for cashew nut flour the mass change was 7,25 % (or 8,92 mg). In the complex gels, a decrease in the rate of water removal was observed, which is explained by the formation of additional bonds between the agar and other components of the formulation, such as honey and cashew nut flour. It was established that at the end of the experiment, the mass of the «agar-water-glycerin» test sample changed by 42 % (or 44,10 mg), the mass loss of the «agar-water-glycerin-honey» sample was 33,40 % (or 36,74 mg), and the mass of the sample «agar-water-glycerin-honey-cashew nut flour» gradually decreased and at the end of the experiment changed by 28,82 % (or 34,59 mg) at an elevated temperature associated with evaporation of the aqueous phase.


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How to Cite
Bokovets, S. P. (2024). DETERMINATION OF DERIVATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF JELLY BAR COMPONENTS USING CASHEW NUT FLOUR. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (56), 15-20.