Keywords: seed, soybean, size, density, crushing, drying, oil


The article presents a study of some geometric and physical parameters of soybean seeds and crushing products. To achieve the goal, the following research tasks were set: to carry out a technological evaluation of whole soybean seeds; carry out crushing of soybean seeds with a hammer crusher and determine some parameters of the crushing products (particle volume and outer surface area). The subject of our research was depersonalized soybean seeds that were sent for processing to the oil press plant of "Vidrodzhennia" LLC. The object of the study is the technological indicators of soybean seeds and the products of its crushing with a hammer crusher. To determine the geometric dimensions, 60 seeds were selected. The mass of the batch of soybean seeds for crushing was 50 tons. For the output of a more homogeneous large fraction in size, it is better to use mechanisms whose operation is based on the principles of product compression – flattening machines. For organizational and economic reasons, it was necessary to stop the choice on the hammer crusher, which was at the production base of "Vidrodzhennia" LLC. Crushing products were divided into fractions using sieves with round holes with diameters of 3.0 and 1.0 mm and weighed. Arithmetic average values of whole soybean seeds: length – 8.48 mm, width – 5.45 mm, thickness – 4.4 mm. According to the results of the mathematical analysis, the null theory of normal distribution by geometric dimensions was rejected. The area of the outer surface of a soybean seed is 117 mm2. The seed density is 1.33 g/cm³. More than half of the grain mass (58.6%) was not crushed at all, or only partially damaged. The yield of the main fraction of 1–3 mm is only 36.4%. The mass fraction of the fraction smaller than 1 mm, which can be removed with the spent working gases from the grain dryer, in crushed soybean seeds was 5%. The evaporation surface area increases by 289% in the 1–3 mm fraction and almost 12 times in the 0–1 mm fraction.


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How to Cite
Poddubny, V. A., Osokina, N. M., & Tkachenko, H. V. (2024). DETERMINATION OF PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOYBEAN SEEDS AS A RAW MATERIAL FOR OIL PRODUCTION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (56), 60-66.