Keywords: vegetable raw materials, snacks, healthy food


The article provides an overview and discusses the prospects of using plant-based raw materials in snack production, considering current trends in the food market. It emphasizes the importance of quality and nutritional value of food products in the context of increasing interest in healthy lifestyles among the population. The utilization of plant-based raw materials in snack production offers numerous benefits for consumer health and the environment. The reduction of saturated fats and trans fats content contributes to improved cardiovascular health. Plant-based raw materials are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which support immunity and maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails. Additionally, the use of plantbased raw materials helps reduce the negative environmental impact by conserving resources and energy, thus reducing emissions and preserving biodiversity. This approach to snack production also fosters the development of agriculture and local economies. The analysis highlights the impact of using plant-based raw materials on agricultural development and support for local farmers, promoting sustainable economic growth and reducing dependence on imported raw materials. The possibility of expanding product variety and market potential through innovative approaches to producing new snacks based on plant-based raw materials is also discussed, meeting the needs of different consumer categories. Further research is deemed necessary for optimizing technological processes, improving product quality, and addressing standardization and regulatory issues. The successful implementation of plant-based raw materials in snack production requires in-depth study of technologies and their adaptation to achieve optimal results. Technologies should ensure product quality, preservation of beneficial properties of raw materials, and maintenance of snack flavor profiles. This approach will enable manufacturers to create high-quality and competitive snacks based on plant-based raw materials. Overall, the general conclusions indicate the significant potential of using plant-based raw materials in snack production to enhance health, stimulate agricultural development, and promote sustainable food production.


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How to Cite
Cherniakov, V. A., & MelnykО. Y. (2024). MARKET ANALYSIS OF SNACK PRODUCTS AND PROSPECTS FOR THE USE OF PLANT-BASED RAW MATERIALS IN THEIR PRODUCTION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (56), 108-113.