Keywords: metal cutting tool, electrospark alloying, electrode, wear resistance, surface layer, processing, performance, steel, hard alloy, composite material


The article addressed the problem of increasing the wear resistance of metal-cutting tools (MI) of any geometric shape and size by the method of electrospark alloying (ESA). The analysis of literary sources showed that despite the rather high results of strengthening MI by the method of local electrospark application on Elfa-541 type installations, this method has a number of disadvantages: only flat surfaces are processed; for the processing of curved surfaces, you need to additionally use special devices; the size of the processing tool is limited by the size of the table and moving the collet with electrodes to a distance of 200´200´200 mm; very low productivity of ESA ~1 cm2/min. A new method of applying coatings on mechanized installations of the «Elf» type with a bundle of electrodes made of hard alloy VK6M, molybdenum and carbon (graphite of the EG-4 grade) has passed production approval at the chemical production of SMNVO named after M.V. Frunze (now JSC «SMNVO ENGINEERING») (Sumy) when cutting threads in difficult-to-process materials. Both reinforced and unreinforced M10 taps were tested when cutting threads in frames and cases, M12 taps when cutting threads in trunnions, pushers and rotors of the second stage. The strength of reinforced taps is 5.0 – 7.2 times higher than non-reinforced ones. When replacing the 1.0 mm VK6M hard alloy electrode in the electrode bundle with a composite material made by the powder metallurgy (PM) method of composition (90% VK6 + 10% 1M), the stability of the taps increases by up to 7.7 times compared to unreinforced ones. The results of comparative production tests of MI, strengthened on the installation with a manual vibrator of the «UILV-8» model with a bundle of electrodes from a composite material produced by the PM composition method (90% VK6 + 10% 1M), molybdenum and graphite of the EG-4 brand, showed an increase in comparison with unreinforced wear resistance up to 7.8 times. For practical implementation, a new method of strengthening the MI by the method of electrospark alloying with a bundle of electrodes from a composite material is recommended, which differs in that the MI is strengthened with a bundle of electrodes, one of which is made of a composite material produced by the PM composition method (90% VK6 + 10% 1M), the other from molybdenum and the third from EG-4 graphite on installations with a manual vibrator of any model that provide discharge energy in the range of Wр=0.08-0.4 J and productivity, Q = 0.5-0.9 cm2/min.


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How to Cite
Shulyak, M. L., Tarelnyk, V. B., Getsovych, E. M., Vasylenko, O. O., & Dotsenko, A. O. (2024). STRENGTHENING OF METALLIC TOOLS BY ELECTRO-SPARK ALLOYING WITH A BEAM OF ELECTRODES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (55), 111-116.

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