Keywords: cutting, removal, tree-shrub vegetation, afforestation, trunk, cutting, machines, mulcher


Agriculture is one of the oldest industries in the world. Despite this, it remains the most sought-after branch even now. Considering the fact that Ukraine is an agrarian country and according to the data provided by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food in the pre-war period, it is the second country among the largest exporters of grain crops in the world. Increasing the rate of production of grain crops is possible at the expense of increasing the yield, or at the expense of increasing the sown areas. An increase in cultivated areas is currently possible only due to the afforestation of fields and their cultivation. As you know, afforestation is the removal of woody shrubs on fallow lands, fields or their sections. It is believed that afforestation of fields or their plots is an effective method of increasing the land bank of the enterprise, which requires relatively small financial costs, time and labor resources. One of the main reasons for afforestation of fields is the expansion of protective forest strips due to the sowing of wood seeds, as well as forest areas adjacent to fields. It is known from statistical data that in 2020 the area of self-sowing wood in the fields in Ukraine was about 200 thousand hectares. Unfortunately, after the end of the war, this area will be much larger due to hostilities and mining of fields, meadows, and other lands throughout the country. In order to solve the problem of afforestation of fields, we conducted an analysis of machines for removing tree and shrub vegetation. The main qualitative indicators of the operation of these machines were determined. Research was conducted to determine these indicators for each of the machines used for afforestation of fields. As a result of the research, the best option was determined in terms of the performance quality of the machine for removing tree and shrub vegetation from the fields.


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How to Cite
Semirnenko, Y. I., & Semirnenko, S. L. (2023). RESEARCH OF MACHINES FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND REFORESTATION ACCORDING TO QUALITY INDICATORS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (51), 82-87.