Keywords: tops, potatoes, working bodies, tubers, stems, ridges, cutting.


The main producers of potatoes in Ukraine are households. They produce 98 % of these products. One of the important operations in the technology of growing potatoes is the removal of the tops. Given the fact that a significant part of households use motoblock technology of potato production, its use is not effective enough to pre-remove the potato tops, which significantly affects the quality and productivity of harvesting equipment, damage to tubers and crop yields. The paper presents an analysis of methods and working bodies of machines for removing potato tops before its mechanized harvesting. Analysis of research on energy resources used in potato production showed that most households that grow potatoes on an area of up to one-hectare use energy resources wheel formula 2K2, ie uses motoblock technology for growing and harvesting this crop. The analysis of research on the use of methods of removing potato tops with motoblock technology showed that currently two methods prevail: crushers of the crushing type – chain with a vertical shaft and rotary working bodies (rotary mowers). Studies have shown that each of these technologies does not provide the proper quality of potato tops. According to the results of the analysis of working bodies and machines for removing potato tops, the improvement of the motoblock cutter for this operation was carried out. These studies indicated the possibility of removing the tops with an upgraded motoblock cutter by replacing the knives. Based on the calculations, the dependence of the height of the petioles of the beveled tops on the translational speed of the machine at a constant angular velocity of the knives was constructed, which allows to choose the optimal speed of the tops. Based on the analysis of knives, the results of theoretical and laboratory studies, we have developed and manufactured experimental knives of variable length, which were installed on a motoblock cutter instead of milling knives to remove the tops. Studies have been conducted to determine the percentage of uncut potato stalks on the tops of ridges and on the sides, as well as research to determine the value of the height of the cuttings of cut tops on the tops of ridges and on the sides of ridges. Studies have shown the high quality and efficiency of removal of the tops of the proposed machine, as well as its versatility.


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How to Cite
Semirnenko, Y. I., & Semirnenko, S. L. (2022). ІMPROVEMENT OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF REMOVAL OF POTATO TOPS WITH MOTOR BLOCK PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1(47), 36-42. https://doi.org/10.32845/msnau.2022.1.6