Keywords: domestic breeds, cross-border breeds, livestock, milk productivity, climatic zones


The breeding base of dairy cattle is represented by breeds of various directions of productivity, which are located in all natural and climatic zones (forest-steppe, polissya and steppe) of Ukraine. Some of them are local with a limited number of animals; others are spread over the entire territory of the country. Therefore, there is a constant question of monitoring the number of breeding animals of dairy breeds, as well as establishing the level of milk productivity of cows on average for the population and its dynamics over certain times periods. The informative State breeding register of breeding subjects in animal husbandry (State breeding register) with relevant indicators appears to help in solving this issue. Research has established that for the period from 2002 to 2022, the number of breeding animals and the level of the main breeding trait of both cross-border (Ayrshire, Angler, Holstein, Jersey, Swiss) and domestic (Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle, Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy cattle, Ukrainian Red Dairy cattle, Ukrainian Brown Dairy cattle) has certain differences. The maximum amplitude of the number of the breeding part of the population and the average milk yield of cows in domestic breeds has the following values: Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy cattle – 293696 cows in 2002 and 8158 kg of milk in 2022; Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle – 125955 heads in 2002 and 8816 kg in 2022; Ukrainian Brown Dairy cattle – 4566 kg in 2002 and 6456 kg in 2022; Ukrainian Red Dairy cattle – 36887 heads in 2006 and 6832 kg in 2022. It was also established that in terms of numbers in the Ayrshire and Ukrainian Red Dairy breeds, the wave-like values with stability in recent years were noted. In domestic breeds, namely in the Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle, the reduction is 93662 heads or a decrease of 3,9 times, the Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy cattle by 173050 heads or 2,4 times and the Ukrainian Brown Dairy cattle by 3295 heads or 3,6 times. According to the average milk yield of cows in all breeds, there is a positive trend of increasing its level. The greatest increase in milk yield during the studied period is typical for cows of the Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle (+4904 kg or by 56%), Swiss (+4401 kg or by 51%) and Ayrshire (+4299 kg or by 60%) cows. A slight difference in milk yield between years is observed in cows of the Angler (+362 kg or 9%) and Jersey (+253 kg or 4%) breeds.


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How to Cite
Pochukalin, A. Y., & Pryima, S. V. (2024). ACTIVITY OF THE BREEDING PART OF THE DAIRY BREEDS OF UKRAINE IN THE TEMPORAL DYNAMICS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 78-85.

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