Keywords: air flow, uniformity, pneumatic separation channel, louvres, efficiency, loose materials, fraction


The performance and quality of machines for cleaning and calibrating bulk materials needs to be intensified to meet the growing demands of production. The efficiency of the pneumatic separation process of loose materials is determined by the uniformity of the air flow velocity in the working zone of pneumatic separation devices. Among the main factors contributing to the non-uniformity of velocity are the design of the working zones of pneumatic separation channels, types of fans, and their ducts. The analysis of designs and methods for regulating the air flow velocity in work zones made it possible to focus on louvre devices with vertical and horizontal arrangement, which became the object of research. Among the parameters to be studied were the angle of inclination, width and arrangement of the louvres. The criteria used in the research were the coefficient of variation (uniformity of air flow velocity), contamination and weight of 1000 grains in the receiver trays (separation efficiency). As a result of the studies, dependencies of air velocity uniformity on the parameters of the pneumatic separation channel, separation completeness, and the weight of 1000 grains of winter wheat material were obtained. It has been established that the uniformity of air flow in the working zone directly affects the efficiency of separation of loose materials in pneumatic separation devices. The obtained method of determining the uniformity of the air flow speed in the working zone of the horizontal pneumatic separation channel during the separation of the components of loose materials according to aerodynamic properties. In order to increase the efficiency of the separation of the components of loose materials, technical means are proposed in the form of a blind device, which consists of vertical and horizontal blinds that equalize the speed of the air flow in the working area. Rational parameters of the pneumatic separation device at which the best uniformity with a minimum coefficient of variation (2.1%) is obtained have been established by the research. The proposed research methodology and the obtained dependencies make it possible to increase the efficiency of pneumatic separation devices when separating components of loose materials by aerodynamic properties. The results are useful when researching, designing or operating grain cleaning calibration machines.


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How to Cite
Kharchenko, S. O., Bilovod, O. I., Abduyev, M. M., Lytvynenko, V. V., & Volvach, T. S. (2024). STUDY OF AIR FLOW UNIFORMITY IN THE WORKING ZONES OF PNEUMATIC SEPARATION CHANNELS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (56), 90-100.

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